Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

খুলনা প্রকৌশল ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

Postgraduate Admission

Post Graduate Admission website link

Departments - Apply Now
Institute of Information and Communication Technology - Apply Now
Institute of Disaster Management - Apply Now
Institute of Environment and Power Technology - Apply Now

Recent Notice

# Date Title Downloads
# 29-08-2024 PG Registration for July 2024
# 11-08-2024 List of Admitted Student for PostGraduate Program
# 03-06-2024 PostGraduate Admission Exam Schedule
# 09-05-2024 PG Admission Notice July 2024
# 10-01-2024 PG Course Registration January 2024
# 01-01-2024 PG Admission Roll and Date
# 18-12-2023 PG Admission Result January 2024
# 10-12-2023 Time schedule for postgraduate admission test
# 14-11-2023 PG Admission Notice January 2024
Qualification for PG Admission
# 14-11-2023 Qualification for PG Admission
Institute of Disaster Management
# 29-08-2024 PG Registration Notice for IDM July 2024
# 11-08-2024 List of Admitted Student (IDM) for PostGraduate Program
# 10-01-2024 IDM Course Registration 2024
# 04-01-2024 PG (IDM) Roll and Admission Date
# 18-12-2023 PG Admission Result for IDM
# 06-12-2023 List of eligible candidates for Viva-voce in Disaster Management, January 2024
# 06-12-2023 List of eligible candidates for Viva-voce for M. Sc. in Sanitation Program (January 2024 )
# 14-11-2023 Admission Notice for Professional Diploma in Disaster Management, January 2024
# 14-11-2023 Admission Notice for Professional Diploma in Sanitation, January 2024
# 30-07-2023 Result Sheet of Professional Diploma on Sanitation for January-2023 Session
# 06-07-2023 Course Registration Notice for IDM (July-2023)
# 22-06-2023 List of admitted students for M.Sc. in Sanitation (IDM) July-2023
# 08-06-2023 PG Admission Result for IDM
# 30-05-2023 List of eligible candidates for Viva-voice for Postgraduate Programs in Disaster Management of July 2023 Semester
# 30-05-2023 List of eligible candidates for Viva-voce for M.Sc. in Sanitation of July 2023 Semester
# 25-05-2023 Admission Notice for Professional Diploma in Sanitation, July 2023
# 24-05-2023 Admission Notice For Professional Diploma in Disaster Management , July 2023
# 08-01-2023 Course Registration Notice for IDM (January-2023)
# 05-01-2023 List of admitted students of PG (IDM)
# 21-12-2022 PG, PGD & Sanitation (IDM) Admission Result January-2023
# 14-11-2022 Admission Notice For Professional Diploma in Sanitation, January 2023
# 13-11-2022 Admission Notice for Professional Diploma in the Institute of Disaster Management
Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT)
# 29-08-2024 PG Registration Notice for IICT July 2024
# 11-08-2024 List of Admitted Student (IICT) for PostGraduate Program
# 10-01-2024 IICT Course Registration January 2024
# 04-01-2024 PG (IICT) Roll and Admission Date
# 18-12-2023 PG Admission Result for IICT
# 06-07-2023 Course Registration Notice for IICT (July-2023)
# 06-07-2023 Course Registration Notice for diploma (July-2023)
# 22-06-2023 List of admitted students of PG (IICT) July-2023
# 08-06-2023 PG Admission Result for IICT
# 08-01-2023 Course Registration Notice for IICT (January-2023)
# 05-01-2023 List of admitted students of PG (IICT)
# 21-12-2022 PG & PGD (IICT) Result January 2023
Institute of Environment and Power Technology (IEPT)
# 28-08-2024 PG Registration Notice for IEPT July 2024
# 10-01-2024 IEPT Course Registration Jan 2024
# 18-12-2023 PG (IEPT) Roll and Admission data
# 18-12-2023 PG Admission Result for IEPT
# 06-07-2023 Course Registration Notice for IEPT (July-2023)
# 22-06-2023 List of admitted students of PG (IEPT) July-2023
# 08-06-2023 PG Admission Result for IEPT
# 08-01-2023 Course Registration Notice for IEPT (January-2023)
# 05-01-2023 List of admitted students of PG (IEPT)
# 21-12-2022 PG & PGD (IEPT) Result January 2023
Forms(for IEPT)
1 IEPT PG Admission Form
2 Letter of Recomendation
3 Statement from the Employer Form (for Service Holder)
Forms(for IDM)
1 IDM Admission Form PG
2 IDM Admission Form PGD
3 PG (IDM) Statement From the Employer Form(for service holder)
4 PGD (IDM) Statement From the Employer Form(for service holder)